Mira road (E), Thane-401107, India

Mon - Fri: 09.00 AM - 04:00 PM


022-28105376 / 8879016151


Success in this World and Akhirah




1. Registration forms for admission will be issued from the first week of January.

2. Pupils applying for admission will be tested. The syllabus will comprise the previous class they have passed.

3. The date of birth certificate in original is to be produced at the time of first admission i.e. Pre-Primary and Std. 1.

4. A child seeking admission from a recognised school will be admitted only on production of the leaving certificate from the previous school.

5. Leaving Certificate will be issued on a written application from parent/ guardian after all dues paid. A full month's notice must be given before withdrawal of a pupil.

6. If no notice of withdrawal before the end of a term is given, full fees for all the months of absence will be charged.

7. The School administration reserves the right to suspend or dismiss any pupil if his / her behavior or progress is unsatisfactory.



1. No leave or absence is granted except for genuine reasons and only on previous written intimation by parents or guardians in the leave record page provided in this diary.

2. The names of those absent without leave for more than five consecutive days render the students liable to be struck off the rolls.

3. Medical appointments should be made after school hours unless there is an emergency.

4. Students who are absent from Examination or Unit Tests for any reasons other than sickness, justified by a Doctor’s Certificate, will be considered as having failed. No one shall b e absent from the final Examination. Studentabsentfrom a n y Examination paper will not be re-examined.

5. No leave will be given to a student for half day/part of the day unless there is an emergency.

6. When a child is ill for a prolonged period the parent/ guardian must write and inform the Principal, along with the medical certificate.

7. All applications for leave should come at least two days in advance except in case of sudden/un- expected reasons.

8. Students who are absent from periodical tests and other examinations are not eligible for prizes and other awards.

9. Attendance on the first and last working day of each term is essential.

10. Attendance at official school functions like the Sports Day, Republic Day, Independence Day,AnnuaI Day and Picnics etc. is compulsory. Absentees will be fined or penalised.

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