Success in this World and Akhirah
1. Students are not permitted to wear any kind of jewellery. This decision has been taken with a view to ensure safety of the students.
2. Nails must be kept short and clean.
3. Punctuality is essential at all times and children who contravene this rule without valid reason will be penalised.
4. The school does not accept responsibility for the loss of pupil’s book, pen, money etc. Each pupil is responsible for his / her own things.
5. Silence must be observed in the school premises. There should not be any noise at the change of periods.
6. No collection of any kind should be made without the permission of the Principal.
7. Students must be in the school premises ten minutes before the 1st bell to be in time for the assembly.
8. If a child is unavoidably late, he / she will be allowed in the class only with the Principal’s permission.
9. At the first bell all must assemble in classes /assembly ground for the assembly and be ready to pray. At the second bell, assembly prayers will begin.
10. Running, playing or shouting inside the School Building compound is prohibited.
11. Damage to school property or causing any loss to the school by the child will have to be made good by the parent. The pupil should take care of school property as its own.
12. All students must speak in English in the school even in private conversation.
13. Students should realise that they are responsible to the school authorities for their conduct not only in the school but also for their general behaviour outside. Any reported or observed objectionable conduct out of the school on the part of the student will make them liable for disciplinary action.
14. No extension of vacation is allowed except on genuine
15. The school reserves the right to suspend or dismiss any student if his/ her behaviour or progress is unsatisfactory.
16. Any pupil who is persistently insubordinate or is repeatedly or wilfully mischievous or is guilty of malpractice in connection indiscipline Head of the her fellow from the School as Maharashtra. with exam or has committed an act of serious and / or misbehaviour who, in the opinion of the school, has an unwholesome influence on his / pupils, may be expelled permanently or removed school for a specified period by the Head of the per the provisions contained in SS Code,Govt.of Maharashtra.
17. Every student shall endeavour to keep up the high tone and good name of the school by his/ her manners and discipline.
18. No parent can visit the teacher during class hours.
19. Habitual negligence of studies, irregular attendance or any other serious act of indiscipline will entail removal of pupil from the school.
20. Pupils should not carry any irrelevant material in their bags Other than tiffin boxes and what is required for their daily Lessons in the class. They must not carry Mobile phone to School or else it will be forfeited.
21. Dropping of bits of paper on the floor or making the premises unclean in any way is punishable.
22. Pupils who travel by School Bus are expected to be well behaved and courteous. Indisciplined students wil e debarred from using the transport facility.
23. Private tuitions in the School or even outside may not be arranged except after consultation with the Principal. No tu it ion should be taken from the school teacher.
24. No gift or Present to any teacher or staff is allowed without the previous consent of the School Authorities. Collection for any purpose, whatsoever, requires Principal’s sanction.
25. In case of poor performance in studies, serious misbehaviour, the concerned pupil will be given a warning and listed in the blue list. After two warnings, the child’s name will be listed in b I a c k list, which will lead to dismissal of the pupil from the school.
26. During the absence of teacher, the monitor will be responsible for order and discipline of the class.
27. The school authorities do not approve of the offering of presents or in kind to teachers.
28. No student will be excused from physical exercise without a doctor’s certificate.
29. No student should bring to school any object liable to prove a source of disturbance.
30. Any enquiry regarding academic achievement or behavoiur of the child may be done by the parents from the class teachers / subject teachers on Saturday between 10 a.m to 11 a.m. Stress has become a fact of life but it need not become a way of life.
31. A record of the addresses & telephone numbers of parents or guardians is maintained in the school office. They are requested to communicate any change without delay.
32. Result of the Final Examination will not be re-considered.